wrapscanby polywrap


Allows interaction with Safe Smart Contracts

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Polywrap Kit Wrap

Table of contents


Install the package with yarn or npm:

yarn add polywrap
npm install polywrap

Getting Started

The following steps show how to set up the Polywrap Client, deploy a new Safe, create a Safe transaction, generate the required signatures from owners and execute the transaction.


Currently, the wrappers dont allow the collection of owner signatures off-chain. To do this and be able to see and confirm the pending transactions shown in the Safe Web App, it is recommended that you follow this other guide that covers the use of the Safe Core SDK, combined with the Safe Service Client.

1. Instantiate a Polywrap Client

First of all, we need to create a Polywrap Client, which contains all the required utilities for the SDKs to interact with the blockchain. It acts as a wrapper for web3.js or ethers.js Ethereum libraries.

Use an import or require statement, depending on which your environment supports.

import { PolywrapClient } from "@polywrap/client-js";

Then, you will be able to use the PolywrapClient like so:

// Simply instantiate the PolywrapClient.
const client = new PolywrapClient();

Polywrap client docs

2. Deploy a new Safe

To deploy a new Safe account invoke deploySafe method with the right params to configure the new Safe. This includes defining the list of owners and the threshold of the Safe. A Safe account with three owners and threshold equal three will be used as the starting point for this example but any Safe configuration is valid.

const result = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "deploySafe",
  args: {
    safeAccountConfig: {
      owners: [<owner1>, <owner2>, <owner3> ],
      threshold: 1,

The deploySafe method executes a transaction from the your current ethereum account, deploys a new Safe and returns a Safe Address. Make sure to save this address as you will need it to interact with other methods that interact with your safe

3. Create a Safe transaction

To create a transaction you can invoke createTransaction. Make sure you provided environment param safeAddress to your call.

const safeTransactionData = {
  to: '0x<address>',
  value: '<eth_value_in_wei>',
  data: '0x<data>'

const safeTransaction = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "createTransaction",
  args: {
      tx: safeTransactionData,
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Check the createTransaction method in the Wrap Reference for additional details on creating MultiSend transactions.

Before executing this transaction, it must be signed by the owners and this can be done off-chain or on-chain. In this example owner1 will sign it off-chain, owner2 will sign it on-chain and owner3 will execute it (the executor also signs the transaction transparently).

3.a. Off-chain signatures

The owner1 account signs the transaction off-chain.

const signedSafeTransaction = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "addSignature",
  args: {
      tx: safeTransactionData,
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Because the signature is off-chain, there is no interaction with the contract and the signature becomes available at signedSafeTransaction.signatures.

3.b. On-chain signatures

To sign transaction on-chain owner2 should instantiate new PolywrapClient connected to ethereum (Ethereum-wallet-plugin-config). After owner2 account is connected to the ethereum-wallet-plugin as a signer the transaction hash will be approved on-chain.

// Get transaction hash
const txHash = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "getTransactionHash",
  args: {
      tx: signedSafeTransaction.data,
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

// Approve
await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "approveTransactionHash",
  args: {
      hash: txHash,
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

4. Transaction execution

Lastly, owner3 account is connected to the client as a signer and executor of the Safe transaction to execute it.

const executeTxResponse = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: "executeTransaction",
  args: {
      tx: signedTransaction,
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Safe Factory API


Deploys a new Safe and returns an instance of the Safe connected to the deployed Safe. The address of the Master Copy, Safe contract version and the contract (GnosisSafe.sol or GnosisSafeL2.sol) of the deployed Safe will depend on the initialization of the safeFactory instance.

// `getClient` takes care of correctly create the client
const client = new getClient()
const safe = App.Safe(client)
const safeAccountConfig = {
  to, // Optional
  data, // Optional
  fallbackHandler, // Optional
  paymentToken, // Optional
  payment, // Optional
  paymentReceiver // Optional

const safeSdk = await safe.deploySafe({ safeAccountConfig })

This method can optionally receive the safeDeploymentConfig parameter to define the saltNonce.

const safeAccountConfig = {
  to, // Optional
  data, // Optional
  fallbackHandler, // Optional
  paymentToken, // Optional
  payment, // Optional
  paymentReceiver // Optional

const safeDeploymentConfig = {
  isL1Safe, // Optional
  version, // Optional

const safeDeploymentResponse = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'deploySafe',
  args: { 
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Managers API


Returns the address of the current SafeProxy contract.

const address = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getAddress',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the Safe Master Copy contract version.

const version = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getContractVersion',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the list of Safe owner accounts.

const owners = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getOwners',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the Safe nonce.

const nonce = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getNonce',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the Safe threshold.

const threshold = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getThreshold',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the chainId of the connected network.

const chainId = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getChainId',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns the list of addresses of all the enabled Safe modules.

const moduleAddresses = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'getModules',
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Checks if a specific Safe module is enabled for the current Safe.

const isEnabled = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'isModuleEnabled',
  args: {
    moduleAddress: <address>
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Checks if a specific address is an owner of the current Safe.

const isOwner = await client.invoke({
  uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
  method: 'isOwner',
  args: {
    ownerAddress: <address>
  env: {
    safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns a Safe transaction ready to be signed by the owners and executed. The Protocol Kit Wrap supports the creation of single Safe transactions but also MultiSend transactions.

  • Single transactions

    This method can take an object of type SafeTransactionDataPartial that represents the transaction we want to execute (once the signatures are collected). It accepts some optional properties as follows.

    const safeTransactionData = {
      operation, // Optional
      safeTxGas, // Optional
      baseGas, // Optional
      gasPrice, // Optional
      gasToken, // Optional
      refundReceiver, // Optional
      nonce // Optional
    const safeTransaction = await client.invoke({
      uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
      method: 'createTransaction',
      args: {
        tx: safeTransactionData
      env: {
        safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>
  • MultiSend transactions

    This method can take an array of SafeTransactionDataPartial objects that represent the multiple transactions we want to include in our MultiSend transaction. If we want to specify some of the optional properties in our MultiSend transaction, we can pass a second argument to the createMultiSendTransaction method with the SafeTransactionOptionalProps object.

    const safeTransactionsData = [
        operation // Optional
        operation // Optional
      // ...
    const safeTransaction = await client.invoke({
      uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
      method: 'createMultiSendTransaction',
      args: {
        txs: safeTransactionsData
      env: {
        safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

    This method can also receive the options parameter to set the optional properties in the MultiSend transaction:

    const safeTransactionsData = [
        operation // Optional
        operation // Optional
      // ...
    const options = {
      safeTxGas, // Optional
      baseGas, // Optional
      gasPrice, // Optional
      gasToken, // Optional
      refundReceiver, // Optional
      nonce // Optional
      const safeTransaction = await client.invoke({
      uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
      method: 'createMultiSendTransaction',
      args: {
        txs: safeTransactionsData,
      env: {
        safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

    In addition, the optional onlyCalls parameter, which is false by default, allows to force the use of the MultiSendCallOnly instead of the MultiSend contract when sending a batch transaction:

    const onlyCalls = true
    const safeTransaction = await client.invoke({
      uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
      method: 'createMultiSendTransaction',
      args: {
        txs: safeTransactionsData,
        onlyCalls: onlyCalls
      env: {
        safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

If the optional properties are not manually set, the Safe transaction returned will have the default value for each one:

  • operation: OperationType.Call (0) is the default value.
  • safeTxGas: The right gas estimation is the default value.
  • baseGas: 0 is the default value.
  • gasPrice: 0 is the default value.
  • gasToken: 0x address is the default value.
  • refundReceiver: 0x address is the default value.
  • nonce: The current Safe nonce is the default value.

Read more about the Safe transaction properties.


Returns the transaction hash of a Safe transaction.

const safeTransactionData: SafeTransactionDataPartial = {
  // ...
const safeTransaction =  await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'createTransaction',
    args: {
      tx: safeTransactionData
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>
const txHash = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'getTransactionHash',
    args: {
      tx: safeTransaction
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Signs a hash using the current owner account.

const signature = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'signTransactionHash',
    args: {
      hash: txHash
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns a new SafeTransaction object that includes the signature of the current owner. eth_sign will be used by default to generate the signature.

const signedSafeTransaction = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'addSignature',
    args: {
      tx: safeTransaction
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Optionally, an additional parameter can be passed to specify a different way of signing:

const signedSafeTransaction = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'addSignature',
    args: {
      tx: safeTransaction
      signingMethod: 'eth_signTypedData'
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>
const signedSafeTransaction = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'addSignature',
    args: {
      tx: safeTransaction
      signingMethod: 'eth_sign' // default option.
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Approves a hash on-chain using the current owner account.

const txResponse = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'approveTransactionHash',
    args: {
      hash: txHash
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Optionally, some properties can be passed as execution options:

const options = {
  from, // Optional
  gasLimit, // Optional
  gasPrice, // Optional
  maxFeePerGas, // Optional
  maxPriorityFeePerGas // Optional
  nonce // Optional
const txResponse = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'approveTransactionHash',
    args: {
      hash: txHash,
      options: options
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Returns a list of owners who have approved a specific Safe transaction.

const ownerAddresses = await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'getOwnersWhoApprovedTx',
    args: {
      hash: txHash
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>


Executes a Safe transaction.

const txResponse  await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'executeTransaction',
    args: {
      tx: signedSafeTransaction
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>

Optionally, some properties can be passed as execution options:

const options = {
  from, // Optional
  gasLimit, // Optional
  gasPrice, // Optional
  maxFeePerGas, // Optional
  maxPriorityFeePerGas // Optional
  nonce // Optional
const txResponse  await client.invoke({
    uri: 'wrapscan.io/polywrap/protocol-kit@0.1.0',
    method: 'executeTransaction',
    args: {
      tx: signedSafeTransaction,
      options: options,
    env: {
      safeAddress: <SAFE_ADDRESS>